Team name Location League Level Status
Advance Hornets Advance, Missouri high school active
Alabama State University Hornets Montgomery, Alabama college active
Alameda Hornets Alameda, California high school active
Albany Hornets Albany, Louisiana high school active
Alread Hornets Clinton, Arkansas high school active
Angola Hornets Angola, Indiana high school active
Arcadia Hornets Arcadia, Louisiana high school active
Ashland Hornets Ashland, Maine high school active
Aspermont Hornets Aspermont, Texas high school active
Athens Hornets Athens, Texas high school active
Atlanta Hornets Atlanta, Missouri high school active
Aylmer Hornets Aylmer, Ontario Ontario Hockey Association professional defunct
Azle Hornets Azle, Texas high school active
Baker Hornets Mobile, Alabama high school active
Balfour Hornets Balfour, North Dakota high school defunct
Barwick Hornets Barwick, Georgia high school defunct
Beatty Hornets Beatty, Nevada high school active
Beauregard Hornets Opelika, Alabama high school active
Beech Grove Hornets Beech Grove, Indiana high school active
Berlin Hornets Berlin, North Dakota high school defunct
Big Lake Hornets Big Lake, Minnesota high school active
Bishop Moore Catholic Hornets Orlando, Florida high school active
Blackwell Hornets Blackwell, Texas high school active
Blevins Hornets Blevins, Arkansas high school active
Boles Hornets Quinlan, Texas high school active
Booker T. Washington Hornets Tulsa, Oklahoma high school active
Bowling Green Hornets Bowling Green, Kentucky Central Basketball Association professional active
Branford Hornets Branford, Connecticut high school active
Brewersville Hornets Brewersville, Indiana high school defunct
Broome Community College Hornets Binghamton, New York college active
Brown County Hornets Mt. Sterling, Illinois high school active
Bryant Hornets Bryant, Arkansas high school active
Buckley Hornets Buckley, Washington high school defunct
Buffalo Hornets Buffalo, New York National College Prospects Hockey League amateur defunct
Bullock County Hornets Union Springs, Alabama high school active
Burns Hornets Burns, Kansas high school defunct
Byers Hornets Byers, Texas high school active
Cadott Hornets Cadott, Wisconsin high school active
Caldwell Hornets Caldwell, Texas high school active
Calhoun Hornets Calhoun, Mississippi high school defunct
California State University, Sacramento Hornets Sacramento, California college active
Calipatria Hornets Calipatria, California high school active
Camas Valley Hornets Camas Valley, Oregon high school active
Cambridge Hornets Cambridge, Ontario Ontario Hockey Association professional defunct
Carrollton Hornets Carrollton, Georgia Georgia-Alabama League professional defunct
Carter Hornets Strawberry Plains, Tennessee high school active
Catawba County Hornets Catawba County, North Carolina Central Carolinas Football League active
Catholic of Pointe Coupee Hornets New Roads, Louisiana high school active
Cave Springs Hornets Bunch, Oklahoma high school active
Central Montcalm Hornets Stanton, Michigan high school active
Charlotte Hornets Charlotte, North Carolina Carolina Association professional defunct
Charlotte Hornets Charlotte, North Carolina Piedmont League professional defunct
Charlotte Hornets Charlotte, North Carolina North Carolina State League professional defunct
Charlotte Hornets Charlotte, North Carolina North Carolina League professional defunct
Charlotte Hornets Charlotte, North Carolina Tri-State League professional defunct
Charlotte Hornets Charlotte, North Carolina Virginia-North Carolina League professional defunct
Charlotte Hornets Charlotte, North Carolina South Atlantic League professional defunct
Charlotte Hornets Charlotte, North Carolina Southern League professional defunct
Charlotte Hornets Charlotte, North Carolina World Football League professional defunct
Charlotte Hornets Charlotte, North Carolina National Basketball Association professional active
Charlottesville Hornets Charlottesville, Virginia Valley Baseball League amateur defunct
Chelsea Hornets Chelsea, Alabama high school active
Chicago Harrison Hornets Chicago, Illinois high school defunct
Chicago Hornets Chicago, Illinois All-American Football Conference professional defunct
Chillicothe Hornets Chillicothe, Missouri high school active
Clearbrook Hornets Clearbrook, Minnesota high school defunct
Cleveland Hornets Cleveland, Ohio Negro National League professional defunct
Cohen Hornets New Orleans, Louisiana high school active
Colby Hornets Colby, Wisconsin high school active
Colcord Hornets Colcord, Oklahoma high school active
Cold Lake Hornets Cold Lake, Alberta Western States Hockey League amateur defunct
Concordia College Hornets Selma, Alabama college active
Cook Hornets Adel, Georgia high school active
Copan Hornets Copan, Oklahoma high school active
Cory-Rawson Hornets Rawson, Ohio high school active
Corydon Hornets Corydon, Iowa high school defunct
Cottondale Hornets Cottondale, Florida high school active
Cowden Hornets Cowden, Illinois high school defunct
Craig Hornets Craig, Missouri high school active
Craig/Fairfax Hornets Craig, Missouri high school active
Cristo Ray Jesuit Hornets Baltimore, Maryland high school active
Crystal City Hornets Crystal City, Missouri high school active
Dallas County Hornets Plantersville, Alabama high school active
Damascus Hornets Damascus, Maryland high school active
Dawson-Bryant Hornets Coal Grove, Ohio high school active
Declo Hornets Declo, Idaho high school active
Deep Creek Hornets Chesapeake, Virginia high school active
Deep Valley Christian Hornets Redwood Valley, California high school active
Delaware State University Hornets Dover, Delaware college active
Depew Hornets Depew, Oklahoma high school active
Dexter Hornets Dexter, Georgia high school defunct
Dighton Hornets Dighton, Kansas high school active
Dixie Hornets Due West, South Carolina high school active
Dodd City Hornets Dodd City, Texas high school active
Douglass Hornets Montezuma, Georgia high school defunct
Dubach Hornets Dubach, Louisiana high school active
Duluth Hornets Duluth, Minnesota American Hockey Association professional defunct
Dupont Hornets Dupont, Indiana high school defunct
Early College High School at Delaware State University Hornets Dover, Delaware high school active
East Canton Hornets East Canton, Ohio high school active
East Central Hornets San Antonio, Texas high school active
East Central Hornets Moss Point, Mississippi high school active
East Hartford Hornets East Hartford, Connecticut high school active
East Lynn Hornets East Lynn, Illinois high school defunct
Edina East Hornets Edina, Minnesota high school defunct
Edina Hornets Edina, Minnesota high school active
Edina-Morningide Hornets Edina, Minnesota high school defunct
Edina-Morningside Hornets Edina, Minnesota high school defunct
Elberfield Hornets Elberfield, Indiana high school defunct
Elcho Hornets Elcho, Wisconsin high school active
Emmaus Hornets Emmaus, Pennsylvania high school active
Emporia State University Hornets Emporia, Kansas college active
Enosburg Falls Hornets Enosburg Falls, Vermont high school active
Enterprise Hornets Redding, California high school active
Enumclaw Hornets Enumclaw, Washington high school active
Enumclaw-White River Hornets Enumclaw, Washington high school defunct
Era Hornets Era, Texas high school active
Espanola Hornets Espanola, New Mexico New Mexico Premier Football League active
Espanola Military Academy Hornets Espanola, New Mexico high school defunct
Essex Hornets Essex Junction, Vermont high school active
Eureka Hornets Eureka, Illinois high school active
Eureka/Roanoke-Benson Hornets Eureka, Illinois high school active
Fair Play Hornets Fair Play, Missouri high school active
Fairland Hornets Fairland, Indiana high school defunct
Fairmont Heights Hornets Capitol Heights, Maryland high school active
Fayette County Training Hornets Fayette, Alabama high school defunct
Fayetteville-Manlius Hornets Manlius, New York high school active
Fernley Hornets Fernley, Nevada high school defunct
Flour Bluff Hornets Corpus Christi, Texas high school active
Foreman Hornets Chicago, Illinois high school active
Forestville Central Hornets Forestville, New York high school active
Franklin Hornets Franklin, Louisiana high school active
Frazee Hornets Frazee, Minnesota high school active
Frazee-Vergas Hornets Frazee, Minnesota high school active
Fullerton College Hornets Fullerton, California college active
Fulton Hornets Fulton, Missouri high school active
Furman University Hornets Greenville, South Carolina college defunct
Gainer Hornets Pensacola, Florida high school active
Gainesville Hornets Gainesville, Florida Southern States Football League professional defunct
Galesburg Hornets Galesburg, Illinois Illinois-Missouri League professional defunct
Galt Hornets Galt, Ontario Ontario Hockey Association professional defunct
Ganado Hornets Ganado, Arizona high school active
Gary Wallace Hornets Gary, Indiana high school active
Gatesville Hornets Gatesville, Texas high school active
Georgetown Hornets Georgetown, Georgia high school defunct
Georgia Industrial Institute Hornets , Georgia high school defunct
Giltner Hornets Giltner, Nebraska high school active
Gladstone Hornets Gladstone, North Dakota high school defunct
Gloster Hornets Gloster, Mississippi high school active
Goodrich Hornets Goodrich, Texas high school active
Grand Lake Hornets Lake Charles, Louisiana high school active
Grand Rapids Hornets Grand Rapids, Michigan National Professional Basketball League professional defunct
Granville Hopkins Hornets Granville, Illinois high school defunct
Great Mills Hornets Great Mills, Maryland high school active
Green Bay Preble Hornets Green Bay, Wisconsin high school active
Green Valley Hornets Green Valley, Illinois high school defunct
Greenfield Hornets Weston, Georgia high school defunct
Greenhill Hornets Dallas, Texas high school active
Greenhill Hornets Addison, Texas high school active
Greensboro Hornets Greensboro, North Carolina Western Carolinas League professional defunct
Greensboro Hornets Greensboro, North Carolina South Atlantic League professional defunct
Greenville Hornets Greenville, Mississippi high school active
Greenville-Weston Hornets Greenville, Mississippi high school active
Hackett Hornets Hackett, Arkansas high school active
Hackley Hornets Tarrytown, New York high school active
Haines City Hornets Haines City, Florida high school active
Hamden Hall Country Day Hornets Hamden, Connecticut high school active
Hamilton Hornets Scottdale, Georgia high school defunct
Hamilton West Hornets Hamilton, New Jersey high school active
Hampton Hornets Hampton, Georgia high school defunct
Hancock County Hornets Lewisport, Kentucky high school active
Hanging Grove Hornets Hanging Grove, Indiana high school defunct
Hanover Hornets Hanover, Pennsylvania Blue Ridge League professional defunct
Hanover Hornets Colorado Springs, Colorado high school active
Hanover Park Hornets East Hanover, New Jersey high school active
Hapeville Charter Hornets Hapeville, Georgia high school defunct
Hapeville Hornets Hapeville, Georgia high school defunct
Harcourt Hornets Harcourt, Iowa high school defunct
Hardin Hornets Hardin, Texas high school active
Harmony Grove Hornets Camden, Arkansas high school active
Harper Hornets Harper, Oregon high school active
Harper/Huntington Hornets Harper, Oregon high school active
Harpursville Hornets Harpursville, New York high school active
Harris County Hornets Hamilton, Georgia high school defunct
Harris County Hornets , Georgia high school defunct
Harris-Stowe State University Hornets St. Louis, Missouri college active
Harrisburg Hornets Harrisburg, Indiana high school defunct
Harrisburg Hornets Harrisburg, Arkansas high school active
Harrison Hornets Harrison, Michigan high school active
Harrold Hornets Harrold, Texas high school active
Harvard Hornets Harvard, Illinois high school active
Harvey Hornets Harvey, North Dakota high school defunct
Harvey/Wells County Hornets Harvey, North Dakota high school active
Hastings Hornets Hastings, Iowa high school defunct
Hathaway Hornets Jennings, Louisiana high school active
Hatton Hornets Town Creek, Alabama high school active
Hawthorne Cedar Knolls Hornets Hawthorne, New York high school active
Hawthorne Hornets Hawthorne, Florida high school active
Hayfield Hornets Hayfield, Iowa high school defunct
Hazen Hornets Hazen, Arkansas high school active
Heatly Hornets Green Island, New York high school active
Hemphill Hornets Hemphill, Texas high school active
Henley Hornets Klamath Falls, Oregon high school active
Henning Hornets Henning, Minnesota high school active
Henryville Hornets Henryville, Indiana high school active
Hermitage Hornets Hermitage, Missouri high school active
Hermosa Hornets Hermosa, South Dakota high school defunct
Herndon Hornets Herndon, Virginia high school active
Heyworth Hornets Heyworth, Illinois high school active
Hickory Hornets Hermitage, Pennsylvania high school active
Highland Hornets Roscoe, Texas high school active
Highland Hornets Medina, Ohio high school active
Highland Hornets Albuquerque, New Mexico high school active
Highland Park Hornets Amarillo, Texas high school active
Highland Prep West Hornets Avondale, Arizona high school active
Highview Hornets Highview, Iowa high school defunct
Hill City Hornets Hill City, Minnesota high school active
Hill City/Northland Hornets Hill City, Minnesota high school active
Hillcrest Hornets Springfield, Missouri high school active
Hilldale Hornets Muskogee, Oklahoma high school active
Hillsdale Hornets Hillsdale, Michigan high school active
Hillside Hornets Durham, North Carolina high school active
Hilton Hornets Hilton, Georgia high school defunct
Hinsdale South Hornets Darien, Illinois high school active
Hiram Hornets Hiram, Georgia high school active
Holcomb Hornets Holcomb, Missouri high school active
Holland Hornets Holland, Texas high school active
Holly Springs-Hornick Hornets Holly Springs, Iowa high school defunct
Holmdel Hornets Holmdel, New Jersey high school active
Honesdale Hornets Honesdale, Pennsylvania high school active
Hooks Hornets Hooks, Texas high school active
Horizon Christian Hornets San Diego, California high school active
Hornbeck Hornets Hornbeck, Louisiana high school active
Howard Township Hornets Cassville, Indiana high school defunct
Hudson Hornets Lufkin, Texas high school active
Hume Hornets Hume, Missouri high school active
Hundred Hornets Hundred, West Virginia high school active
Hunter Hornets Hunter, North Dakota high school defunct
Huntington Hornets Huntington, West Virginia International Hockey League professional defunct
Huntland Hornets Huntland, Tennessee high school active
Huntsville Hornets Huntsville, Texas high school active
Hyndman Hornets Hyndman, Pennsylvania high school active
Ider Hornets Ider, Alabama high school active
Inchelium Hornets Inchelium, Washington high school active
Indianapolis Howe Hornets Indianapolis, Indiana high school active
Irion County Hornets Mertzon, Texas high school active
John Essex Hornets Demopolis, Alabama high school active
Juniata Valley Hornets Alexandria, Pennsylvania high school active
Kalamazoo College Hornets Kalamazoo, Michigan college active
Kane Hornets Kane, Illinois high school defunct
Kearsley Hornets Flint, Michigan high school active
Kellogg Hornets Hickory Corners, Michigan high school defunct
Kennedy Hornets Mound Bayou, Mississippi high school defunct
Kenny Hornets Kenny, Illinois high school defunct
Kinmundy Hornets Kinmundy, Illinois high school defunct
Kinmundy-Alma Hornets Kinmundy, Illinois high school defunct
Kirkland Hornets Kirkland, Washington high school defunct
Kirtland Hornets Kirtland, Ohio high school active
Lafayette Hornets Mayo, Florida high school active
Lake Hornets Lake, Mississippi high school active
Lake Region Christian Hornets Baxter, Minnesota high school active
Lake Superior State University Hornets Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan college defunct
Lakeland Hornets Shrub Oak, New York high school active
Langley Hornets Langley, British Columbia British Columbia Hockey League amateur defunct
Laquey Hornets Laquey, Missouri high school active
Laurel Hornets Laurel, Iowa high school defunct
Laurel Hornets Alexander City, Alabama high school defunct
Leavitt Hornets Turner, Maine high school active
Lemon Street Hornets Marietta, Georgia high school defunct
Licking Heights Hornets Pataskala, Ohio high school active
Lincoln Academy Hornets San Diego, California high school active
Lincoln Hornets San Diego, California high school active
Lincoln Hornets Alma Center, Wisconsin high school active
Locust Fork Hornets Locust Fork, Alabama high school active
Lometa Hornets Lometa, Texas high school active
Longview Hornets Longview, Illinois high school defunct
Lorenzo Hornets Lorenzo, Texas high school active
Louise Hornets Louise, Texas high school active
Loyd Star Hornets Brookhaven, Mississippi high school active
Lubec Hornets Lubec, Maine high school defunct
Lumber City Hornets Lumber City, Georgia high school defunct
Lynchburg College Hornets Lynchburg, Virginia college active
Lyndon State College Hornets Lyndonville, Vermont college defunct
Macomb Hornets Macomb, Oklahoma high school active
Macon Hornets Macon, Georgia Southern League professional defunct
Magoffin County Hornets Salyersville, Kentucky high school active
Malvern Hornets Malvern, Ohio high school active
Manchester Essex/Rockport Hornets Manchester, Massachusetts high school active
Mansfield Hornets Mansfield, Massachusetts high school active
Markesan Hornets Markesan, Wisconsin high school active
Maumelle Hornets Maumelle, Arkansas high school active
McCann Tech Hornets North Adams, Massachusetts high school active
Medora Hornets Medora, Indiana high school active
Mendon Hornets Mendon, Michigan high school active
Metcalfe County Hornets Edmonton, Kentucky high school active
Metea Hornets Metea, Indiana high school defunct
Middlesex County Vo-Tech Hornets Woodbridge, New Jersey high school active
Midwood Hornets Brooklyn, New York high school active
Mile High Hornets Denver, Colorado Major League Roller Hockey professional defunct
Miller Grove Hornets Cumby, Texas high school active
Mineral Springs Hornets Mineral Springs, Arkansas high school active
Mondamin Hornets Mondamin, Iowa high school defunct
Montgomery County Hornets Kilmichael, Mississippi high school active
Montgomery Hornets Tuscaloosa, Alabama high school defunct
Montreal Hornets Montreal, Quebec Inter-provincal Rugby Football Union professional defunct
Morgan Hornets Morgan, Georgia high school defunct
Morris College Hornets Sumter, South Carolina college active
Mt. Holly Hornets Mt. Holly, Arkansas high school active
Muenster Hornets Muenster, Texas high school active
Nashville Hornets Nashville, Georgia high school defunct
Nashville Hornets Nashville, Illinois high school active
Naylor Hornets Naylor, Georgia high school defunct
Nebraska Hornets , Nebraska Alliance Football League defunct
New Lothrop Hornets New Lothrop, Michigan high school active
New Orleans Hornets New Orleans, Louisiana National Basketball Association professional defunct
New Orleans-Oklahoma City Hornets Oklahoma City, Oklahoma National Basketball Association professional defunct
New Summerfield Hornets New Summerfield, Texas high school active
North Kansas City Hornets North Kansas City, Missouri high school active
Northern Vermont University Hornets Lyndonville, Vermont college defunct
Northwest Academy of Law Hornets St. Louis, Missouri high school active
Novato Hornets Novato, California high school active
Novice Hornets Novice, Texas high school active
O'Fallon Technical Hornets St. Louis, Missouri high school defunct
Oak Grove Hornets North Little Rock, Arkansas high school defunct
Oakfield-Alabama Hornets Oakfield, New York high school active
Oakland Hornets Oakland, California American Football League professional defunct
Oakley Hornets Oakley, Idaho high school active
Oark Hornets Oark, Arkansas high school active
Oroville Hornets Oroville, Washington high school active
Oscarville Hornets Napaskiak, Alaska high school active
Oxford Hornets Oxford, Pennsylvania high school active
Passaic Valley Hornets Little Falls, New Jersey high school active
Pelham Hornets Pelham, Georgia high school active
Pellston Hornets Pellston, Michigan high school active
Pemberton Township Hornets Pemberton, New Jersey high school active
Penney Hornets Hamilton, Missouri high school active
Percival Hornets Percival, Iowa high school defunct
Phelps Hornets Phelps, Kentucky high school active
Phoenix Tech Hornets Phoenix, Arizona high school defunct
Pine Bluffs Hornets Pine Bluffs, Wyoming high school active
Pittsburgh Hornets Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania American Hockey League professional defunct
Pittsburgh Hornets Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania International American Hockey League professional defunct
Pittsburgh Hornets Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania International Hockey League professional defunct
Plainview Hornets Glenmora, Louisiana high school active
Plattsburgh Hornets Plattsburgh, New York high school active
Pleasant View Hornets Ozark, Arkansas high school active
Poplarville Hornets Poplarville, Mississippi high school active
Prescott Hornets Prescott, Kansas high school defunct
Proctor Academy Hornets Andover, New Hampshire high school active
Pueblo County Hornets Pueblo, Colorado high school active
Qugcuun Memorial Hornets Oscarville, Alaska high school active
Quitman County Hornets Georgetown, Georgia high school active
Ralph Bunche Hornets Woodbine, Georgia high school defunct
Raub Hornets Raub, Indiana high school defunct
Raymond Hornets Raymond, Minnesota high school defunct
Rayville Hornets Rayville, Louisiana high school active
Remsen Hornets Remsen, Iowa high school defunct
Richland Center Hornets Richland Center, Wisconsin high school active
River Bend Hornets Gainesville, Georgia high school defunct
Robbs Hornets Robbs, Illinois high school defunct
Robinson Hornets Robinson, North Dakota high school defunct
Rochelle Hornets Rochelle, Texas high school active
Roopville Hornets Roopville, Georgia high school defunct
Roscoe Hornets Roscoe, South Dakota high school defunct
Rosholt Hornets Rosholt, Wisconsin high school active
Rossville Hornets Rossville, Indiana high school active
Roswell Hornets Roswell, Georgia high school active
Saline Hornets Saline, Michigan high school active
Salisbury Hornets Salisbury, North Carolina high school active
Sarepta Hornets Sarepta, Louisiana high school defunct
Savannah Country Day Hornets Savannah, Georgia high school active
Scales Mound Hornets Scales Mound, Illinois high school active
Scotlandville Hornets Baton Rouge, Louisiana high school active
Shenandoah University Hornets Winchester, Virginia college active
Singer Hornets Singer, Louisiana high school active
Sioux City Hornets Sioux City, Iowa American Basketball Association professional defunct
Solsberry Hornets Solsberry, Indiana high school defunct
South Atlanta Hornets Atlanta, Georgia high school active
South Carolina School for the Deaf & Blind Hornets Spartanburg, South Carolina high school active
South Elk Hornets Howard, Kansas high school active
South Gibson County Hornets Medina, Tennessee high school active
South Side Hornets Bee Branch, Arkansas high school active
Southern Polytechnic State University Hornets Marietta, Georgia college defunct
Sparks-Adel Hornets Adel, Georgia high school defunct
St. Bernice Hornets St. Bernice, Indiana high school defunct
St. Elizabeth Hornets St. Elizabeth, Missouri high school active
St. John Vianney Hornets Flint, Michigan high school defunct
St. Stephen Hornets Port Huron, Michigan high school defunct
Stuart Hornets Stuart, Oklahoma high school active
Sudan Hornets Sudan, Texas high school active
Surprise Valley Hornets Cedarville, California high school active
Surrattsville Hornets Clinton, Maryland high school active
Syracuse Hornets Syracuse, New York Eastern Hockey League professional defunct
Tatnall Hornets Wilmington, Delaware high school active
Thayer Hornets Thayer, Iowa high school defunct
Thomasville Hornets Thomasville, Missouri high school defunct
Thomasville Hornets Thomasville, Georgia Georgia State League professional defunct
Thomasville Hornets Thomasville, Georgia Florida-Alabama-Georgia League professional defunct
Thomasville Hornets Thomasville, Georgia Empire State League professional defunct
Thor Hornets Thor, Iowa high school defunct
Thunder Bay Hornets Thunder Bay, Manitoba Manitoba Junior Hockey League amateur defunct
Toledo Hornets Toledo, Ohio International Hockey League professional defunct
Transportation and Law Hornets St. Louis, Missouri high school defunct
Tulia Hornets Tulia, Texas high school active
Tulsa Union Hornets Tulsa, Oklahoma high school defunct
Valley Center Hornets Valley Center, Kansas high school active
Valley Springs Hornets Valley Springs, South Dakota high school defunct
Van Horn Hornets Riverside, California high school active
Van Horne Hornets Van Horne, Iowa high school defunct
Van-Cove Hornets Cove, Arkansas high school active
Vancouver Hornets Vancouver, British Columbia Pacific Coast Pro Basketball League professional defunct
Vinita Hornets Vinita, Oklahoma high school active
Virginia Hornets , Virginia Major League Football active
Virginia Hornets , Virginia Big North East Football Federation active
VIT Hornets Table Grove, Illinois high school active
Wacona Hornets Wacona, Georgia high school defunct
Walnut Springs Hornets Walnut Springs, Texas high school active
Wautoma Hornets Wautoma, Wisconsin high school active
Wautoma/Faith Christian Hornets Wautoma, Wisconsin high school active
Wauzeka-Steuben Hornets Wauzeka, Wisconsin high school active
Waveland Hornets Waveland, Indiana high school defunct
Weeki Wachee Hornets Weeki Wachee, Florida high school active
Wells County Hornets Fessenden, North Dakota high school defunct
Wellsboro Hornets Wellsboro, Pennsylvania high school active
Wessington Springs Academy Hornets Wessington Springs, South Dakota high school defunct
Western Guilford Hornets Greensboro, North Carolina high school active
Westfield Hornets Perry, Georgia high school active
Westran Hornets Huntsville, Missouri high school active
Whitcomb Hornets Bethel, Vermont high school active
White River Hornets Buckley, Washington high school active
White Sulphur Springs Hornets White Sulphur Springs, Montana high school active
Williamston Hornets Williamston, Michigan high school active
Yulee Hornets Yulee, Florida high school active